广播爱好者基地社区天南海北 → [社区·分享]DW-TV上了TVU
5/30/2008 11:00:57 PM


Since May 15th, DW-TV can be seen on the worldwide p2p TV platform "TVU", live and around the clock.
This platform offers about 300 TV-channels and can be used by everyone. The only prerequisite is a PC,
a DSL-connection and the downloaded software "TVU player" (to be had free of charge) . TVU-networks
is currently being used by 12 million users in 200 countries.

It is especially gratifying that Internet users in China now have the opportunity to watch DW-TV.
However, for licence reasons, reception of TVU is not possible in the USA.

The corresponding webpage: http://www.tvunetworks.com/

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