2/2/2007 1:07:09 PM
Dear listener
you may have heard from our programmes that we are going to launch a
dawn transmission from Thursday January 11, 2007. This will be a
half-hour programme, with news and current affairs, live contributions
from Dhaka, Delhi and Kolkata, press reviews, sports, culture etc.

The new dawn will be broadcast at 7am India time, on 31 metreband (9560
kHz) and 25 metreband (11995 kHz) on the shortwave.

Please let the listeners' clubs, your friends, neighbours in your
locality know of the new transmission.

Also, on Jan 8, 9 and 10, we will be testing the two frequencies . The
English news will be broadcast for half an hour on the above two
frequencies at 7am-7.30am, to see how effective they are. Would it be
possible for some listeners in West Bengal, Assam or Tripura to
these test tranmissions on those three days? Please request them, and
pass on the feedback to me immediately afterwards.

Amita Pal
BBC WS Marketing, Communications & Audience
New Delhi
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